Nowadays all hard disk storage comes in two forms - solid state and mechanical. Also the capacity can be increased by using compression technology, either on the computer as software or on the storage device itself. Using this compression technology, solid state disks using memory chips have been pushed to arguably silly levels with suppliers offering 4tb to 16tb.
While such high levels of compression might be useful for porting a number of films and videos for playing off line, such methods of storage are probably unreliable in the longer term. This portable disk is offered with 2TB of storage which must use some compression technology, however the level of compression is reasonable.
This type of of external hard disk is only suitable for use with a Windows based laptop or computer. Linux based operating systems are unreliable in operating the compression technology which is PC based and uses the special facilities built into only some versions of Linux to run PC programs under emulation.
- SKU: 1173